BISHNU an upcoming actor from Hyderabad is on our performance Nutrition Programme.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
GOLD_GOLD GOLD....clean sweep
SUSHIL KUMAR, wins Gold at the COMMONWEALTH WRESTLING championship. Again he is on our performance Nutrition Programme.
If you have not signed up for the commonwealth Performance Nutrition plan with me please do.
My only guarantee is that you GET QUICKER, STRONGER and FASTER.
I attended a lecture by the world mot successful Hockey Coach Marc Lammers. His view of making a champion is having dozens of Experts in every field and the coach bringing all of them together.
Would love to help you realise your dream. Call us or email us at our BODYFUELZ website.
If you have not signed up for the commonwealth Performance Nutrition plan with me please do.
My only guarantee is that you GET QUICKER, STRONGER and FASTER.
I attended a lecture by the world mot successful Hockey Coach Marc Lammers. His view of making a champion is having dozens of Experts in every field and the coach bringing all of them together.
Would love to help you realise your dream. Call us or email us at our BODYFUELZ website.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Pre-lude to the WORLD RECORD of Non-stop Aerobics
Dinaz is going for an Guiness record of NON_STOP aerobics for 26 hours on 9 Jan 2010. BODYFUELZ is fueling her performance. Click on the above header to view the You TUBE video. I have documented the amount of effort that went into her 20 hr ASIA record elow. Wish us luck for the world Record.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Henceforth my blogs are going the video way as I see a greater demand for people to watch rather than read. This is my first Trailer that will be added to every video that I post. If you love the V blogs to come, I am sure your an athlete and therefore my sincere request to one and all is to share this blog with the other atheltes that you know and thus improve the level at which we compete.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Most people you know dont wanna build huge muscle mass. Most people dont wanna have arms like arnold does.
Most people would have the lean ripped look. Get lean , well defined body. BODYFUELZ MUSCLEMAX gets you there through next generation sports nutrition called Amino Nutrition : The science of sending Ergogenic Amino Acids directly to the muscles in 15 min.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Breaking the LIMCA record was not easy!
Dinaz Vervatwala is a woman of steel. She went on to break her own record on Sunday of Non-stop Aerobics for 16 hours.
Dinaz and myself have been professional acquaintances for the last five years. I helped her with Sania Nehwal when we were trying to enhance her game.
About a month ago Dinaz called me up and said " RYAN I WANT TO BREAK THE GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS". The first thought through my head was performance nutrition and how I would be able to balance the rigorous of subjecting the human body to 24 hours of continuous exercise.
I then went to the drawing table and pulled out every BIOCHEMISTRY, and Exercise Physiology book to start the arduous task of planning her diet and supplements for this event.
Good news is that she broke the record.
Bad news is that I now have to go through two more events, 20 hours of non-stop in December and 26 hours for the world record in January. Its BAD coz you don't sleep for two days and you have to be on call through the event to make sure that your athlete does not collapse. This is the ULTRA endurance race and I have to make sure she reaches her goal
Sunday, October 25, 2009
India' Fastest Woman in Swimming on BODYFUELZ performance Nutrition
Richa Mishra, Tall, Shy and composed. A swimmer who will make waves after many coaches wrote her off because of an injury. They now say she is on drugs. She is clean. Why? Because we have her on a BODYFUELZ nutrition Advisory programme. Richa is spending almost 15,000RS per month on her diet and supplements. The return on her investments over the last six months, makes me wonder....There is money!!! YOU JUST HAVE TO WIN to get it. Does 30 lacs sound good for a top swimmer per season. Well, The difference between wining and loosing ..silver and gold is about 30 lacs. WOW!!!
Wish Richa luck here. I will make sure that for every good luck message she gets, a student in swimming who is poor will get covered by BODYFUELZ.

Wish Richa luck here. I will make sure that for every good luck message she gets, a student in swimming who is poor will get covered by BODYFUELZ.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Why we Helping Upcoming Sporstars who are unknown?

Everyday we work on meeting people, through the Internet, through meetings in the sports field, through word of mouth and sometimes just by pure luck. We met Karan on the Golf course, actually we met his Father Brigadier Malik over a round of GOLF. He was using BODYFUELZ during his game and he said if this can make a differnece to me what about my SON....KARAN is a SQUASH PLAYER.
Karan Malik is one of India's best Junior Champion's. We have been working together on his Foundation Nutrition and his performance Nutrition. His world ranking at his highest level was 325, which he is looking to better. The International Squash Academy in Chennai is backed by some of the best professional teams in the World. Major Mania and Cyrus Poncha are two world class GURU's who teach some of the best players in India. KARAN is their Prodigy.
So why do we back a dark horse? Well, its not about being a no-one becoming a someone, but merely by the Fire in a persons eye. You can see it. Some people have this inner fire that just burst through them. At BODYFUELZ we know KARAN has it.
Karan right now is moving to the United Kingdom to study and further his game of Squash. We wish him well and we know that he will be back to play time and again for the Country. His bags are a TAD little over weight because in addition to his mum's favourite pickle, he is carrying nearly four months of supply of BODYFUELZ products with him.
Remember we all start small and grow to become Champions. PERFORMANCE NUTRITION is all about knowing the right formula to help you win. Above all its completely safe and free from Side effects and all the products are DOPE FREE.
Try to beat that!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Why BODYFUELZ is the best SPORTS NUTRITION brand in India

Headlines that powered through last month.
Former international Amit Khanna won a bronze medal in the 100metres in the World Masters athletics championships that concluded in Lahti, Finland, recently. Khanna competed in the men’s 35-year category to take the third place in 11.01 seconds, behind Nnamdi Anusin of Finland (10.94s) and Mario Bonello of Malta (10.99s).
Amit Khanna all of 32 years and a veteran who now runs faster than a 19 year old at the Nationals. Amit came to us at BODYFUELZ a little over a year ago saying he wanted to make a comeback. The man is rocking and accelerating faster.... Dont stop now AMIT.
WE DID WHAT WE DO BEST! Advice on Sports PERFORMANCE Nutrition. I still getting idiotic coaches after five years asking me STUPID questions. WE MAKE YOU WIN PEOPLE. WE MAKE YOU WIN.
At BODYFUELZ we assess your body and then determine what suits you best in SUPPLEMENTS. We have the best products around and we also get you to buy stuff that's out there that we dont have.
Our only concern is that you win. SUSHIL KUMAR, VIJENDER SINGH, JITENDER, and now AMIT.
You want your game to go higher, just sign up for three months and see the difference.
If you want to be the FASTEST and STRONGEST INDIAN, give us a CALL.
And oh! Our products are designed Scientifically, STOP comparing us to any GULLY WALLA COMPANY that makes Chicken or packs glucose in a Garage.

Thats how hard we play...cause we dont care about the watchers....just the DOERS!!!
Another MEDAL in the bag for us.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Quantum Biofeedback and Nutritional Planning

Quantum Biofeedback is the science of Quantum energy in every atom in the universe. Every cell in your body is made up of elements and they are maintained to deliver a life force to your body. Very simple, if every atom in your body is in constant change through breakdown and replenishment, then the Nutrition you take will govern the way the Quantum energy in your body reacts.
Well I just started my own test on myself and the prognosis was mind blowing. I have now recommended the test to over 50 people in the last few days. Adarsh ( the swimmer who is my prodigy) and Ms Shammu, a future Kollywood star both were tested through the BIOFEEDBACK machine. The immediate result now helps me plan a more scientific and accurate nutritional and enhancement Supplementation regime.
If you want to know if your a Ferrari running on Kerosene then this is the way to change your life. Get tested and then plan your exercise, diet and supplementation.
I plan to alter my metabolism to get rid of those headaches, and the constant stomach tenderness that I seem to have. Adarsh is going to be a National Record holder and Shammu is gonna get so glamorous, she's going to be even more Hot than Bipasha Basu. Bips look out, the Stars are now with me.
Call me on 9383000292 and I will help you get the test done. apparently even cancer patients benefits. The only downside its about 3-5 thousand for a test. But worth every Paisa.
Time to Get Quantaminised...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Are Celebrities Sportstars'?

Working with Athletes gets you recognised. Working with Filmstars gets you famous. But are Superstars truly sports stars...
I always thought Actors were born with gifted genetics and Drop dead looks. What I have realized that neither is actually 100% true.
I recently decided to take up an assignment with a local Tamil Superstar - Nitin Sathya. Nitin at first appeared to be a very normal person but as a Filmstar a very down to earth person. ( Since then I have met half a dozen filmstars and get this they are all down to earth Humble and lovely people).
NITIN has to loose 10 kgs of FAT. In 30 days. Tough task for His workouts and trainers and even tougher that I have to get his diet and supplements in order.
Watch this space to see if we succeed. 15 days into the programme and we have achieved a 4 kg loss. If winning an olympic bronze medal through Sushil Kumar was Awesome, I do not know the feelings if his movie is a HIT!!! L-carnitine and Aminonutrition with a low calorie diet work. I now know that the diet needs tinkering every 7 days. THESE superstars workout like crazy. I still remember Neha Dupia, She rode a Spin Bike like wonder these people look so sexy!!!! Its the workouts!! Nitin actually swears that people think he goes for a facial everyday as his skin glows!!! Omega and Vitamin E and Carnitine in a secret RYAN"S NUTRITION combo.
Its fun. Advising people on what not to eat to loose on fat and get that Chiseled look. Thanks MUM and DAD...for the SKINNY GENE....I feel like a ROCKSTAR.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Why Players Dont get Ahead

There are three things that players need to focus on in becoming World class.
1. Killer Attitude
2. Killer Skills
3. Killer Muscles.
Notice that its not Body but muscles. The skills and Attitude come from the Mind or the brain. MUSCLES move the rest of the body.
For you to win at all costs, whether your a 100 meter sprinter, swimmer or a long distance runner or a bodybuilder you need to grow your muscles through Nutrition.
Genetically only certain people will be gifted to become what I call " Killer Athletes.
But there are small secrets that can help you reach there for example
1. Smaller meals--It keeps you in anabolic phase or positive growth
3. the muscle require 48 hours to recuperate.....
PEOPLE 48 hrs is two days. I see the muscles back in training 24 hours later....Quality of training and not Quantity.
I just finished KARAN MALIK's performance nutrition programme. Expect a Indian World Champion in 4-6 years. I am periodising his peak performance through FOOD DOPING!!!
Next prediction...SUSHIL will win GOLD at the ASIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS.....Just altered his diet for getting ready to fight.
If you need to get in touch, check out our Facebook profile at BODYFUELZ..on Facebook
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
FOOTBALL and Indian Performance

I recently conducted a workshop at TFA( tata football academy) at Jamshedpur. I was invited to present a lecture on Performance Nutrition to all the coaches in Indian Football. It was a great learning experience for me to understand the energy requirements of a Football player and the performance Nutrition that will be required to enhance the indian players 90 minutes.
Robin, standing here next to me is slated to be the next Baichung Bhutia and I have worked on his diet and performance. He is now on BODYFUELZ and I believe that he will excel in the coming years.
PWRSPORTS and FASTCHARGE are working wonders for players as it keeps them fully charged. If any of the clubs out there want some samples to try it out for a winning edge do call us.
Till then I'll just keep Dribbling the Performance Nutrition Mantra.....
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